You see a female nymph,

Willowy thin, this nymph stands just a few inches under six feet tall. Though her silhouette is obviously feminine, her tall and slender stature carries only the slightest of curves. Her skin is naturally tan and is freckled from head to toe with golden undertones. Jutting from just below her shoulders are a pair of wings that resemble those of a dragonfly, their thin membraned segments reflecting metallic hues of greens, golds, and dark reds.

She has ringlets that hang to her waist in tones of forest green and gold.

She has large golden hued doe-like orbs that are speckled with emerald and jade.

She has several exquisitely detailed white oak leaves running down and circling the length of her left arm, from the top of her shoulder to just above her wrist. Each leaf boasts intricate colors of deep reds, bright golds, and pale greens, constructing an autumn-like scene. Some of the leaves seem to curl at their edges, while others slightly bend, the positioning of them creating movement that makes them look like they are drifting downward as though they have just fallen from their tree.

              Arkae's History

I was told that the morning dew had yet to dissipate when I was found beneath an old oak tree. Mother had been foraging the forest for herbs, mushrooms, and medicinal flowers when she saw me nestled amongst the ferns. To her great surprise, as she so often put It, "The babe did not weep a single tear!" I suppose I felt safe and comforted there beneath the branches of that ancient oak. Mother wrapped me in her cloak and sat there holding me nearly until dusk, wondering when the family I belonged to would return for me. When the sun was nearly set and no one had come, she packed up her things and brought me home with her. For weeks she would return to that tree, hoping by chance she would come across someone who was seeking me, and for weeks no one would be there. She finally accepted that fate had brought us together and decided that it was meant to be that I stay with her. That did not stop her from checking the boards when we went to the nearby towns to sell her wares and to buy supplies.

Mother was good to me. She raised me as though I were her own. She never could have children and I think I filled that void for her. She taught me about plants and medicines and living off the land. She taught me about nature and how it should be in balance and how life flows in cycles. Mother was a follower of Nature and we lived respectful of the world we lived in. When I got older, and my interests in Nature and the Druid faith had grown, she realized that she had already taught me all that she could. She told me of a place that was to the west where I might find Druids who could teach me more, a place called Gahlen. We gathered a few things for my journey she sent me on my way.

I've been here in Gahlen for a few days and it is a marvelous place. I had never seen so many buildings or people in one place before! There are so many lights and colours and different foods! I tried bacon for the first time (mother never ate meat and so I never did either), what a treat that was! I am learning so many new things and exploring the city. I think the park is my favorite place to go. It is almost like being home. I haven't been to the tavern yet, but I hear it is a lively place. Perhaps I'll visit soon


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Disclaimer: Arkae is a character in an a TORG called Ateraan.
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